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of the Iceberg

Date stamp your furnace filter

Monitor your filter changes more effectively by dating the filter whenever you replace it


Commercial Rooftop Unit

Lennox Commecial Rooftop Unit

Commercial Rooftop Unit

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


What makes a clean burning woodstove?

All EPA approved woodstoves have some form of a re-burn system engineered into the stove. Some use Catalytic combustion technology and others use a secondary burn technology. Both work very well but differently. 

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Plumbing Supplies FAQs

What’s better, copper or plastic water line?

The standard in water line is copper, always has been, but it is expensive and generally used in commercial applications and premium installations. Plastic water line is far more common and with the advances in pipe composition, almost as durable.

I have existing gray water line but it is hard to find, where can I find more?

The gray water line is Polybutylene (Poly-B for short) and is no longer manufactured.