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of the Iceberg

Want to save on heating costs?

You can save up to 10% on your heating bill by simply turning down your thermostat by 1 degree


Commercial Rooftop Unit

Lennox Commecial Rooftop Unit

Commercial Rooftop Unit

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Can I use an existing well for my Geo loop?

The use of an existing well is a possibility but generally not conducive to a proper closed loop installation. The depth of the well and size of casing will be a consideration. Vertical loops are generally drilled by way of a 3' casing to a depth determined by the loop requirement. The well is then filled with a slurry to optimize heat transfer. The number of wells required is calculated as per the heating / cooling load of the home

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Introducing SNAP by North Central.

SNAP is the fast, flexible, easy way to pay for your heating, cooling and indoor air quality needs without having to wait. It’s the consumer-friendly financial program endorsed by your local dealer. Why go to the bank when you can simply click on the pre-approved logo below and complete our secure credit application. With SNAP credit decisions take just minutes!

With SNAP you will enjoy:

• Up to 100% financing for all your home comfort needs
• No down payment necessary
• Variety of financing offers including:
• No Interest No Payment programs
• Low Monthly Payment Programs
• Open Loan – Pay off the entire loan at anytime without penalties
• Personal and Confidential
• Easy deductions from your bank account
• Take up to 10 years to pay.

Start Saving Money NOW!

There’s no need to putting off a more Energy Efficient, Cost Effective home comfort system. We make it simple – start saving money now

CLICK below to get started!