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of the Iceberg

Leaking water hydrants?

Removing your garden hoses in the fall will allow the siphon on the wall hydrant to function. Doing…

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


What is the difference between Acrylic and Gelcoat fiberglass?

Acrylic is a sheet of material that is heated and vacuum formed over a mold, creating a continous waterproof membrane. It is then reinforced with fiberglass. Gelcoat fiberglass is a polyester resin sprayed onto a mold and then reinforced with fine glass particles. One is a solid surface, the other is porous.

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What does it mean to have a “Certified” appliance

A certified appliance refers to a designation affixed to the appliance by means of a a label. This label is provided by the company that has "certified" the appliance in terms of function and clearance to combustible materials. It is not a CSA sticker! The label will refer to the Authority that has performed the certification as well as the clearances (front, back and sides) as determined in the process and any other relevant information as pertains to the appliance. If the label is not present the unit is deemed "uncertified" and therefore not in compliance with the requirement for most Insurance carriers