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of the Iceberg

Avoid using 90* elbows when installing stove pipe

Avoid using 90* elbows when installing stove pipe. Use 45* elbows whenever possible for horizontal…


Lennox Multi-Furnace

Commercial Lennox mutli-furnace installation

Lennox Multi-Furnace

Frequently Asked QUESTIONS


Do I need a building permit when installing a wood stove?

The local authority having jurisdiction, also known as the building inspector, has indicated that all wood-fired appliance installations require a building permit. This ensures the installation meets local building codes and also allows for a WETT inspection if required by your insurance carrier.

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Pellet or Wood - Which is Better?

Pellet stoves are essentially forced air space heaters and require electricity; Wood stoves are radiant/convection heaters and do not. Both wood stoves and pellet stoves work much better when installed with the intent to heat the floors space in which they are located but the wood stove tends to be far more common as a whole house heating appliance due to its heating properties